"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."
Romans 1:16 (NKJV)
One thing that can hurt a business, and the product that it sells, is to overpromise anything about that product. If a company is selling toothpaste that they say will make your teeth whiter, then that toothpaste cannot make your teeth any darker. If a company claims that their new mobile phone network has better coverage than their competitor, but the coverage is actually worse, they have overpromised what their product can do. This same principle works in many situations, and it is always better to be honest and not make any claims about something that cannot be proven.
The word gospel means, "good news." Usually, when people use the word "gospel" today they are referring to either the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John or they are referring to the message that Jesus came to deliver. The writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us about Jesus and how He came to bring the good news to people that He was the Way to God, and through Him people could be restored to a right relationship with God. That is definitely good news and something that once someone takes advantage of can change their life for the better, and that is not overpromising anything!
Jesus came to bring us abundant life through a relationship with God. Jesus' message of hope and freedom is something that is available to everyone, it is good news, the Gospel. In Romans 1, Paul said that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation, and the good news is that today we can be set free from a life of sin and shame because of Jesus. The Gospel message of how Jesus came to die for our sin and to enable us to become the children of God is something that can truly change a person's life. This is not hype, over stating or overpromising anything, but it is the truth that will set people free!
Romans 1:16 (NKJV)
One thing that can hurt a business, and the product that it sells, is to overpromise anything about that product. If a company is selling toothpaste that they say will make your teeth whiter, then that toothpaste cannot make your teeth any darker. If a company claims that their new mobile phone network has better coverage than their competitor, but the coverage is actually worse, they have overpromised what their product can do. This same principle works in many situations, and it is always better to be honest and not make any claims about something that cannot be proven.
The word gospel means, "good news." Usually, when people use the word "gospel" today they are referring to either the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John or they are referring to the message that Jesus came to deliver. The writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us about Jesus and how He came to bring the good news to people that He was the Way to God, and through Him people could be restored to a right relationship with God. That is definitely good news and something that once someone takes advantage of can change their life for the better, and that is not overpromising anything!
Jesus came to bring us abundant life through a relationship with God. Jesus' message of hope and freedom is something that is available to everyone, it is good news, the Gospel. In Romans 1, Paul said that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation, and the good news is that today we can be set free from a life of sin and shame because of Jesus. The Gospel message of how Jesus came to die for our sin and to enable us to become the children of God is something that can truly change a person's life. This is not hype, over stating or overpromising anything, but it is the truth that will set people free!
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