"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."
Romans 8:14 (NKJV)
One thing that should be a distinguishing mark in the life of a Christian is being led by the Spirit of God. As New Testament, New Covenant believers we have the Holy Spirit living in us. One of the things that the Holy Spirit will do for us is that He will lead us and guide us in life. What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? Saying we are led by the Holy Spirit simply means that we follow the direction that the Holy Spirit gives us. As children of God we have the Holy Spirit inside of us but it is our choice whether or not we will follow His direction or if we will follow something else.
There are a lot of things that people use for guidance in life. Some people live by their emotions, when they are feeling good then everything is great and they are ready to conquer the world. But, when they are sad and feeling discouraged then they just want to hide away and quit. Some people are led by their circumstances, they think that good circumstances mean they are doing the right things and bad circumstances and situations in life mean that they are doing something wrong. Some Christians are led by other people and the advice that they get from their trusted friends. Other people are led by experiences, their own and others, or they are led by logical reasoning and their thinking.
The Holy Spirit is always there to lead us and guide us, no matter how we feel, no matter what circumstances we face, and no matter what other people say or do. So often we are dominated by all of the things going on around us that we are not looking for the guidance that God will give us by the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and become acquainted with Him and how He will lead us. Make the choice today that you will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life and allow Him to give you the direction that you need.
Romans 8:14 (NKJV)
One thing that should be a distinguishing mark in the life of a Christian is being led by the Spirit of God. As New Testament, New Covenant believers we have the Holy Spirit living in us. One of the things that the Holy Spirit will do for us is that He will lead us and guide us in life. What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? Saying we are led by the Holy Spirit simply means that we follow the direction that the Holy Spirit gives us. As children of God we have the Holy Spirit inside of us but it is our choice whether or not we will follow His direction or if we will follow something else.
There are a lot of things that people use for guidance in life. Some people live by their emotions, when they are feeling good then everything is great and they are ready to conquer the world. But, when they are sad and feeling discouraged then they just want to hide away and quit. Some people are led by their circumstances, they think that good circumstances mean they are doing the right things and bad circumstances and situations in life mean that they are doing something wrong. Some Christians are led by other people and the advice that they get from their trusted friends. Other people are led by experiences, their own and others, or they are led by logical reasoning and their thinking.
The Holy Spirit is always there to lead us and guide us, no matter how we feel, no matter what circumstances we face, and no matter what other people say or do. So often we are dominated by all of the things going on around us that we are not looking for the guidance that God will give us by the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and become acquainted with Him and how He will lead us. Make the choice today that you will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life and allow Him to give you the direction that you need.