Proverbs 24:10 (NKJV)
If you go to a gym for the first time to do a workout, you do not try to lift the heaviest weight possible. No matter what physical condition you are in, it would foolish for anyone in their first workout to try and lift the heaviest weight they could find. The only result from something like this would be someone getting hurt. And, if you were to go into a gym to exercise and someone told you that you were not strong enough to lift the heaviest weight, you would not get upset; you would just realize that you need more strength to do that.
Years ago, I remember reading Proverbs 24:10 and getting a little upset about it. There was a situation I was dealing with and I was not doing so well in overcoming the problem. When I read Proverbs 24:10, I first got upset, but then I started to consider what that verse was saying. Instead of looking at it as an obvious statement that my not doing so well in adversity was the result of a lack of strength, I realized that this was an encouragement for me to get stronger to be able to better deal with my situation.
The goal of people lifting weights is to get stronger, and our goal as Christians should be that we too are getting stronger, spiritually. A simple way to be a stronger Christian is to grow and develop spiritually. God's Word will help us grow and develop spiritually (1 Peter 2:2) and God's Word itself will strengthen us (Psalm 119:28). By spending time reading and studying God's Word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us as we put God's Word into practice, we will grow spiritually and be strengthened to be better able to face any challenge and overcome it. We need to be spiritually getting stronger every day, and God's Word is an important part of that.