"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God,"
Romans 8:14 (NKJV)
What is the difference between breathing in air and flying through the air in an airplane? One is something you do continuously from the moment you are born and the other is something that is not done all day, every day, by anyone. Breathing in air is something that everyone can do because of the lungs we were born with; flying an airplane is something that only specially trained people can do. Many Christians view being led by the Holy Spirit in a similar way; some see it as something natural that every believer can do, but some think that it is something that is only possible for a select few.
When someone accepts the salvation that Jesus provides they are born again and they receive the Holy Spirit. As Christians we are now the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). The question is, what is the Holy Spirit doing in us? We know from John 14:26 that He is our Helper and one way He helps us is to lead us and guide as it mentions in Romans 8:14. The good news is that we can be led by the Holy Spirit every day; in fact we should have a lifestyle of being led by the Spirit of God.
So many Christians struggle in life and make wrong choices because they are not being led by the Holy Spirit. One big reason many people do not have a lifestyle of being led is because they have not taken the time to develop their relationship with God through reading His Word and spending time in prayer. If we want God to lead us then we need to get better acquainted with Him. God wants to lead us and guide us in life, not just once and a while but every day. We all need to make being led by the Holy Spirit a way of life and not just a rare event.
Romans 8:14 (NKJV)
What is the difference between breathing in air and flying through the air in an airplane? One is something you do continuously from the moment you are born and the other is something that is not done all day, every day, by anyone. Breathing in air is something that everyone can do because of the lungs we were born with; flying an airplane is something that only specially trained people can do. Many Christians view being led by the Holy Spirit in a similar way; some see it as something natural that every believer can do, but some think that it is something that is only possible for a select few.
When someone accepts the salvation that Jesus provides they are born again and they receive the Holy Spirit. As Christians we are now the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). The question is, what is the Holy Spirit doing in us? We know from John 14:26 that He is our Helper and one way He helps us is to lead us and guide as it mentions in Romans 8:14. The good news is that we can be led by the Holy Spirit every day; in fact we should have a lifestyle of being led by the Spirit of God.
So many Christians struggle in life and make wrong choices because they are not being led by the Holy Spirit. One big reason many people do not have a lifestyle of being led is because they have not taken the time to develop their relationship with God through reading His Word and spending time in prayer. If we want God to lead us then we need to get better acquainted with Him. God wants to lead us and guide us in life, not just once and a while but every day. We all need to make being led by the Holy Spirit a way of life and not just a rare event.
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