"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)
Many people live life with their ideas, goals, and desires in first place trying to find happiness and success without ever considering God and His will. One thing that will help us greatly is if we put God and His plan in first place in our life and we pursue that. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that if we put God first then God would add all of the things we need to our life. You could say that if you put everything else first God won't add the things you need to your life; you will have to do that yourself.
We need to trust God with everything in our life and let Him guide us. We sometimes get the idea that we are so smart and we have it all figured out as to how we can get all of the things in life that will satisfy us and make our life complete. The sad truth is that we can pursue our own desires for our entire life, and wear ourselves out doing it, and still never really get to the place of having a satisfying life. God is a lot smarter than we are and if we would put Him first in everything and trust Him He will guide us along the best path that will bring us joy, peace, and contentment as well as everything else we desire.
Jesus said it was the people who did not have a relationship with God who were always concerned about the daily needs of life. People who don't put God first are relying on themselves to meet their own needs, as well as their desires, and this will never work. When we learn to relax and trust God and stop trying to do things on our own it is amazing how well things will work out. God is a good God and He will always take care of His children. We all need to put our trust in God and put God and His plan in first place in our life; He will fulfill the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).
Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)
Many people live life with their ideas, goals, and desires in first place trying to find happiness and success without ever considering God and His will. One thing that will help us greatly is if we put God and His plan in first place in our life and we pursue that. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that if we put God first then God would add all of the things we need to our life. You could say that if you put everything else first God won't add the things you need to your life; you will have to do that yourself.
We need to trust God with everything in our life and let Him guide us. We sometimes get the idea that we are so smart and we have it all figured out as to how we can get all of the things in life that will satisfy us and make our life complete. The sad truth is that we can pursue our own desires for our entire life, and wear ourselves out doing it, and still never really get to the place of having a satisfying life. God is a lot smarter than we are and if we would put Him first in everything and trust Him He will guide us along the best path that will bring us joy, peace, and contentment as well as everything else we desire.
Jesus said it was the people who did not have a relationship with God who were always concerned about the daily needs of life. People who don't put God first are relying on themselves to meet their own needs, as well as their desires, and this will never work. When we learn to relax and trust God and stop trying to do things on our own it is amazing how well things will work out. God is a good God and He will always take care of His children. We all need to put our trust in God and put God and His plan in first place in our life; He will fulfill the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).
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